Training to Transform (T2T)

Participants will find a training course with lots of practical training, where the focus is on equipping others for prayer ministry. You will learn to use biblical tools under the guidance of the Holy Spirit in prophetic prayer ministry to bring transformation and sanctification into the lives of individuals, families and churches.

Understanding & experiencing the processes of transformation & sanctification of the inner person

Heart-to-heart encounters - with God and with each other

The interaction of inner healing & deliverance ministry

A victorious life despite brokenness (emotional and sexual abuse, burnout, depression, addictions, etc.)

Gain a deeper understanding of important topics from a biblical perspective: (e.g. basic trust, denial, rejection, sexual identity, etc.)

and much more

For it is evident that you are a letter from Christ, prepared by our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, your hearts.